About Us
BBA is the world’s most prestigious and the most influential voice on Blockchain. Established in 2017, BBA is the leading industry think-tank for blockchain, with extensive network presence in six continents.
BBA promotes Evidence Based adoption of Blockchain and other Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT). We are home to the UK’s National Blockchain Roadmap VISION 2030, UK’s DLT Excellence Standards Framework, Centre for Evidence Based Blockchain (CEBB), The Journal of the British Blockchain Association (JBBA), Blockchain Associations Forum (BAF), Student Forum (BBA SF) and the Industry Advisory Think-Tank.
- Evidence-Based adoption of Blockchain and other DLTs
- Foster Quadruple Helix Blockchain Innovation Ecosystems
- Make the UK a Centre of Excellence in DLT
- Be the leading industry voice for Blockchain advocacy, collaboration and convergence
- Establish a world-class DLT ecosystem by working in strategic collaboration with all stakeholders in the blockchain space
- Advance best standards, benchmarks and practices in Blockchain
- Deliver the UK’s National Blockchain Roadmap
- International Collaboration and drawing on collective wisdom
- Bridge the gap between Blockchain industry and academia