7th Blockchain International Scientific Conference ISC2025, London

BBA's 7th Blockchain International Scientific Conference ISC2025, London


Abstract Submission Deadline: 7 December 2024
Full Paper Submission Deadline: 11 January 2025
Early Bird Registrations go live: December 2024
ISC2025: 4 April 2025
  Abstract Submission Process
To facilitate the submission process, please read the following guidelines carefully:
  • Please submit your abstract to Editorial@thejbba.com. After submission, you will be acknowledged of the receipt of the abstract via an email within five working days.
  • The abstract should be no more than 250 words. Please use the abstract template given below. The primary language of the conference is English, and your submission should be submitted in English.
  • Your abstract should be a concise summary of a paper’s substance, including its background, purpose, methodology, results, and conclusion.
  • Please send in a brief biography together with the Abstract.
  • Abstract submission deadline is 7 December 2024 midnight GMT.
  • All abstracts will undergo a double-blind peer review by the ISC Committee. The Conference Chair will be heading the scientific committee will be responsible for the final decisions with regards to the abstracts.
  • You will be notified of the review outcome by 20 December 2024.
  • If your abstract is accepted, you will be invited to submit your presentation and the full paper by no later than 11 January 2025.
  • Please use the below template as a guide to writing your abstract. Please submit the abstract to: Editorial@thejbba.com




Author’s Name (Surname with Initials)

University/ Institute 

E Mail/ Contact Details


An abstract is a single paragraph, without indentation, that summarizes the key points of the manuscript in 150 to 250 words. An abstract is a single paragraph, without indentation, that summarizes the key points of the manuscript in 150 to 250 words. An abstract is a single paragraph, without indentation, that summarizes the key points of the manuscript in 150 to 250 words. An abstract is a single paragraph, without indentation, that summarizes the key points of the manuscript in 150 to 250 words. 

Keywords: writing, template, sixth, edition, self-discipline, good (maximum 6 words)

JEL Classification: 


Please send your biography together with the abstract using following format:

Full name

Position /department/organization/country

Biography (word count should not exceed 50 words)

Contact information (Address, contact/mobile number, email address, Twitter account & LinkedIn account)

Category: (Project/ Oral presentation/ Poster presentation)

Name for the Certificate

Example Biography:

Sara J Atkinson

Researcher, Department of Economics

Johns Hopkins University


Biography: (Only 40 – 50 words)

Since joining John Hopkins University, Sara has been involved with studies related to applications of blockchain in Gov-tech & Smart Cities. In 2017, Sara wrote a paper on “challenges in the implementation of blockchain based local government infrastructures”. Before joining the University, Sara worked at University College London as a senior researcher. Since 2016, Sara has been working full time as an academic at Johns Hopkins University.

Contact Information:

Department of Economics

Johns Hopkins University

No 10, Abbots Road



Zip Code

Tel: +447590480591XYZ

Email: sara@ABXCXYZ

Twitter: @saraatkinsonABCXYZ

LinkedIn: //www.linkedin.com/in/saraatkinsonABCXYZ

Category: Oral Presentation

Name for the Certificate: Sara John Atkinson


15 Nov 2024

Please submit your ABSTRACT to ISC2025 at:
ISC2025 Scientific Advisory Committee
Professor Dr Naseem Naqvi MBE (Conference Chair, BBA)
Professor Dr Paolo Tasca (Conference Co-Chair, UCL)
Professor Dr Nikhil Vadgama (UKCBT, UCL)
Professor Dr Marc Pilkington FBBA (University of Burgundy)
Dr Jiahua Xu (UCL CBT)
Dr Francesco Pierangeli (University of Birmingham)
Professor Mary Lacity FBBA (University of Arkansas)
Professor David Lee FBBA (SUSS)
Professor Dr Larisa Yarovaya (University of Southampton)
(more Committee members to be added)

We are also grateful to the support of JBBA’s editorial board for the abstract reviews and devising the conference programme. 

5th Blockchain International Scientific Conference, ISC2023

ISC2023 Judges Score Sheet
Judge's Score Sheet