JBBA announces Recipients of 2023 Global Peer Reviewer Awards

JBBA announces Recipients of 2023 Global Peer Reviewer Awards

The JBBA has announced its Global Peer Review Award winners for 2023 (November 2022 — November 2023).

The winners have been carefully selected by the Editorial Board based on the quality, dedication, and timeliness of their reviews, as well as their contributions at the BBA’s International Scientific Conference ISC2023.

Professor Dr Naseem Naqvi MBE, the Editor in Chief of The JBBA, said:

“Peer review is a quality control filter to advance better science. It establishes trust in scientific process by ensuring only the best research gets filtered through for publication. At the JBBA, we are proud to have some of the world’s most eminent experts in the field of Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies – Their critical appraisal helps evaluate the authenticity, accuracy, validity and reliability of the research, thereby playing a crucial role in advancing better science.”

Recipients of The 2023 Global Peer Review Awards are:

Professor Dr Markus Bick, ESCP Business School, Germany

Professor Dr Mary Lacity FBBA, University of Arkansas, USA

Professor Dr Walter Blocher, University of Kassel, Germany

Assoc. Professor Dr Chris Berg, RMIT University, Australia


The JBBA is the world’s first open access, peer reviewed journal on Blockchain that is available both in-print and online. The journal’s Editorial Board spans 109 universities in 61 countries, including 12 US states. It is the world’s largest network of senior academics based at some of the most prestigious institutions around the globe. The JBBA also has a gallery in the Metaverse.