JBBA Announces Best Research Papers of 2021

JBBA Announces Best Research Papers of 2021

The Journal of the British Blockchain Association is pleased to announce the Best Research Papers of 2021 (papers published during the period 20 November 2020 – 20 November 2021).

This recognition by the journal’s Editorial Board acknowledges outstanding contributions made by the authors in advancing excellence in Blockchain research. Reading high-quality research is an important way for policymakers, academics, and other stakeholders to remain informed, and benefit from evidence-based, peer-reviewed knowledge. The award recognises papers that:

1. Are likely to influence future thinking
2. Have made significant contributions to DLT/ Blockchain or Cryptocurrencies, as measured by scholarly and societal impact metrics, downloads, article views, engagement on social media (Alternative metrics) or citation in policy documents
3. Are discussed at high-impact conferences and events, cited, referenced or quoted by policymakers, influencers or thought-leaders in the field

Best Paper Winners are awarded in the following categories:

  • Computer Science, Cybersecurity or Cryptography
  • Crypto-economics or Blockchain Economics
  • Digital Assets/ Tokens, Banking or Finance
  • Blockchain for Business, Enterprise or Corporations
  • Blockchain for Humanities, Social Sciences or Public Good

Computer Science, Cybersecurity or Cryptography:

“Investment Compliance in Hedge Funds using Zero Knowledge Proofs”, by Komal Kalra and Professor Sandeep Shukla of Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India (READ)

“Identity of Things: Applying concepts from Self Sovereign Identity to IoT devices” By Professor Tim Weingaertner et al of Lucerne University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland (READ)

Crypto-economics or Blockchain Economics:

“Principles of Natural Resource Economics for Bitcoin” By Professor Prateek Goorha of Bridgewater State University, USA (READ)

“Blockchain is dead! Long live Blockchain!” By Dr Joshua Ellul of University of Malta (READ)

Blockchain for Social/ Life Sciences or Public Good:

“The Relation between Tokens and Blockchain Networks: The Case of Medical Tourism in the Republic of Moldova” by Professor Marc Pilkington of Epoka University, Albania (READ)

Blockchain for Business, Enterprise or Corporations:

“Strategic Value Creation through Enterprise Blockchain”, By Professor Kristi Yuthas et al of Portland State University, USA (READ)

“Industrial Symbiosis Networks in Greece: Utilising the Power of Blockchain-based B2B Marketplaces” by Professor Stavros T Ponis of National Technical University of Athens, Greece (READ)

Digital Assets/ Tokens, Banking or Finance:

“Blockchain Network as a Platform: Conceptualising its Adapted Layered Architecture Design” By Runyu Shi of University of Warwick, UK (READ)

“ITO: The Sponsored Token Technology”, By Tianqi Cai and Professor David LEE Chuen et.al of Institute of Smart Commerce, China and SUSS, Singapore (READ)


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