ISC2021 Moves to a Fully Online Conference

ISC2021 Moves to a Fully Online Conference


Due to growing global concerns about further waves of COVID-19 and looming uncertainties around international travel, we have decided to shift Blockchain International Scientific Conference ISC2021 to a fully virtual conference! The health and safety of our speakers and delegates comes as our foremost priority. We observed that many international conferences that are scheduled to take place in early 2021 are also already being moved online.

Instructions for Authors

We have already received some fantastic research abstracts! The conference committee is now working to create a fully digital event that will be of excellent value for both presenters and attendees. The conference will still take place on 15 March, 2021. All accepted papers will be presented online. All accepted authors will need to prepare a 10 minute power-point presentation. For information about full paper submission deadline, visit the ISC Authors page. We will provide more detailed instructions soon. In the interim, please do begin preparing your talk and associated slides.

Conference Registration

The registrations will open later this year. All participants will get an opportunity to actively contribute to the sessions where they can ask questions of speakers, take part in discussions, e-meet with ISC committee and speakers, and join groups for networking!

For more details, please follow our LinkedIn Page, Twitter account and subscribe to our mailing list.

See you (online) on 15 March!

ISC2021 Conference Committee

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