BBA Journey: A History Timeline

BBA Journey: A History Timeline

As we prepare to enter the next decade, lets take a look back at some of the most remarkable milestones from BBA’s exciting journey over the past 3 years…

  • BBA website goes live in October 2017.

  • Prof David Lee of Singapore became the first international advisor to be appointed to the Advisory Board in November 2017.

  • Prof Kevin Curran became the first Editor to join the JBBA Editorial Board in Dec 2017.

  • Navroop Sahdev of MIT was the first Student Ambassador appointed to the BBA Student Forum in Dec 2017.

  • On 19 March 2018, JBBA published its first peer-reviewed research, by Dr Brendan Markey-Towler of Australia, entitled ‘ Anarchy, Blockchain and Utopia: A theory of political-socioeconomic systems organised using Blockchain’.

  • In August 2018, JBBA became the world’s first academic peer-reviewed blockchain journal to publish its inaugural edition available both in-print, and online.

  • BBA received a letter from Her Majesty The Queen in September 2018. The journal also became a part of British ‘National Heritage‘ by becoming legally deposited at the British Library and all 5 national libraries of UK.

  • BBA President Dr Naseem Naqvi became the first person in the world to coin the term “Evidence Based Blockchain” in July 2018. In the same month, he was listed as a “Think Tank” and in the “Top 40 most influential blockchain people in the UK” by the UK All Party Parliamentary Group. He also received ‘Genesis Block‘ Merit Scholarship Award for “Exceptional and Notable contributions to Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrencies’ from the University of Nicosia.

  • On 10 September 2018, Cornell University became the first university in the world to receive the print copy of the inaugural issue of the JBBA. JBBA continues to create global impact stories.

  • In March 2019, BBA appointed 11 inaugural Fellows to the BBA. Dr Marcella Atzori became the first female to be inducted to the Fellowship of the British Blockchain Association.

  • BBA organised the world’s first “Scholars in Blockchain” International Scientific Conference in London. Over a dozen scholars presented their ground-breaking blockchain research.

  • The world’s first Centre for Evidence Based Blockchain (CEBB) was launched in May 2019, with six leading universities as its founding members. Edinburgh Napier and RMIT became the first universities to join CEBB.

  • In November 2019, JBBA launched a Translation and Language Editing Service for non-native English speaking authors.