“Conscientious, explicit and judicious decision making based on professional expertise and evidence from organisations, stakeholders and scientific research.”

Blockchain-based AI Governance

Post Quantum Blockchains

Decentralised Autonomous Organisations

DAO Govenance and Token Treasuries

Blockchain for Public Services in South Africa

Metaverse for Public Good: Recommendations (June 2023)

National Metaverse Roadmap: Recommendations

The Open Metaverse Ecosystem

Open Metaverse ecosystem
Evidence Based Blockchain EBB PCIO Framework
Evidence Based Blockchain (SPANISH)

About CEBB

A neutral, decentralised, global coalition of leading blockchain enterprises and academic institutions

Affordable and cost-effective high-quality industry research led by eminent academics at world’s top universities

Setting benchmarks and frameworks to support governments, businesses and policymakers in making evidence-based decisions

Bridging Blockchain Industry and Academic gap by providing a collective voice on the advancement of Evidence-Based standards in Blockchain and Distributed Ledgers

Facilitation in conducting  blockchain research projects from inception to publication

A ‘one-stop-portal’ coordinating blockchain enterprise research at the world’s leading universities and public institutions

Exclusive, close-knit networking opportunities and connection with peers to build evidence-based guidelines for stakeholder organisations

CEBB Leads and Advisors

Institutional Leads
  • Dr Naseem Naqvi, The British Blockchain Association (CEBB Chair)
  • Professor John Domingue, The Open University, UK
  • Professor Kevin Curran, Ulster University, UK
  • Dr Christian Jaag, Centre for Cryptoeconomics, Switzerland
  • Professor Marc Pilkington, University of Burgundy, France
  • Professor Bill Buchanan, Edinburgh Napier University, UK
  • Professor David Lee Kuo Chuen, Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore
  • Professor Dr Mary Lacity, Blockchain CoE, University of Arkansas, USA 
  • Professor Jason Potts, RMIT University, Australia
Regional Advisory Board
  • Professor Jim KS Liew, The Johns Hopkins University, USA
  • Dr Anish Mohammed, Institute of Information Systems, Germany
  • Dr Solomon Uwagbole, Igedu Analytics, Nigeria
  • Professor Dr Sandeep Shukla, IIT, India 

Membership Criteria for Academic Institutions

The institution/university/organisation must be an internationally recognised leader in the field of Blockchain Academia

The institution must have at least one Blockchain/ DLT/ Cryptocurrency Professor (or Associate Professor) leading its Blockchain academic programme

The institute must be actively involved in blockchain research OR offer at least one postgraduate course/ module/MSc/PhD in Blockchain or Cryptocurrencies OR supervise postgraduate scholar in the field of Blockchain, Cryptography, Economics, IT, or DLT

Faculty member(s) of the institute must have published at least one peer-reviewed Blockchain research or a review paper in a reputable academic journal or authored a research report, book or synopsis

The institution supports, encourages or fund postgraduate researchers that wish to pursue further research/ study/ or a career in Blockchain

Members of the institution have presented Blockchain/ DLT conference papers or actively participated in scholarly debates and summits at a national and international forum

CEBB Membership Criteria for Individual Researcher (Academic / Industry)

Evidence of support from institution’s lead/ educational supervisor/ director

Active industry or academic researcher in the field of Blockchain, DLT or Crypto-assets 

Commitment to evidence based blockchain 

Actively contribute to CEBB’s initiatives such as research projects, workshops, webinars, and reports

Member Benefits:

Personalised member banner and welcome via BBA social media  

Welcome introduction featured in the BBA newsletter 

Exclusive access to CEBB’s member only events

Opportunity to present work at BBA Forums

Access to research mentorship 

Be a part of The most Prestigious &

The most Powerful voice on Blockchain