BBA joins the Metaverse Standards Forum as Principal Member


BBA joins the Metaverse Standards Forum as Principal Member

The British Blockchain Association has joined the Metaverse Standards Forum.

Building on the foundations of open standards, the Metaverse Standards Forum provides a venue for cooperation between standards organizations and companies to foster the development of interoperability standards for an open and inclusive metaverse, and accelerate their development and deployment through pragmatic, action-based projects.

Upon becoming a Principal Member of the forum, BBA president Professor Naseem Naqvi said:

The British Blockchain Association has already launched its headquarters in the Metaverse and we have big plans to foster innovation through collaboration with other organisations exploring Metaverse and the Web3 technologies. We look forward to building evidence-based standards and frameworks for the Metaverse ecosystem.

Established in 2017, The British Blockchain Association (BBA) is the world’s leading industry body advancing evidence-based adoption of Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT). BBA has authored the UK’s National Blockchain Roadmap and is home to The JBBA – Journal of The British Blockchain Association, the Centre for Evidence-Based Blockchain (CEBB), BAF – The Blockchain Associations Forum, BBA Fellowships (FBBA), Blockchain International Scientific Conferences (ISCs), and other world-class blockchain initiatives. BBA also has its headquarters in the Metaverse.