Starting a Student Chapter

Purpose of A BBA

Purpose of a BBA Student Chapter

A BBA student chapter helps reinforce classroom and experiential learning. In addition to the learning that occurs during chapter meetings, the submission of research articles to the JBBA journal helps develop industry-specific skills, along with skills in project management, technical writing and interpersonal communications.

Chapter activities culminate at the annual scholars in Blockchain conference, where students interact with students from other chapters, BBA members and advisors and network with industry leaders, scientists, and researchers.

The BBA recognises that students are the future leaders of the industry, and treats them as such. Chapters instil future professionals with an understanding of the role that collaboration, research, development and networking plays in blockchain developments and industry progress.

Reasons to Start a BBA Student Chapter

Encourage student collaboration

Foster dialogue about trends, issues, movements, opportunities impacting the blockchain industry

Connect to industry professionals and career opportunities

Obtain leadership experience driving BBA student chapter activities

Form student and professional relationships across the BBA including those with students from other chapters

Compete in hacking events

Publish papers in the JBBA

What Chapters Do

Meet regularly to discuss pertinent issues within the Blockchain industry; research, technology, applications, legal, compliance, public good.
Submit student research for consideration in the JBBA publication. Attend the annual Scholars in Blockchain Conference with a representative group of chapter members and participate in the student activities.

Starting A Chapter

Provide the BBA office with the name, address, and website of your university and program so that it can be included in the BBA’s list of student chapters.

Select a faculty advisor and provide the person’s name and contact information to the BBA office. The advisor needs to become an active BBA member.

Publicise your BBA student chapter, hold your first meeting, and elect your officers.

Be a part of The most Prestigious &

The most Powerful voice on Blockchain