JBBA Announces Recipients of 2020 Global Peer Review Awards

JBBA Announces Recipients of 2020 Global Peer Review Awards

Peer Review forms the backbone of high quality scholarly publishing by providing essential rigour and scrutiny for published research. As we celebrate the Global Peer Review Week 2020 with the theme of ‘Trust in Peer Review’, the Journal of the British Blockchain Association (JBBA) wishes to thank all reviewers who provide valuable contributions, and especially recognise those who offer exceptional reviews. As part of the JBBA’s publishing commitment to reward reviewers, it has announced its Global Peer Review Award winners for 2020 (Oct 2019 – Sep 2020). The winners have been carefully selected by the Editorial Board based on the quality, quantity, dedication, and timeliness of their reviews, and their contributions at the BBA’s International Scientific Conference ISC2020.

Dr Naseem Naqvi, the Editor in Chief of The JBBA, said:

“This year, we are shining a light on how the peer review process helps build trust in research. Peer review has been the bedrock of scientific trust for over 400 years. Peer review establishes trust in scientific process by a quality control mechanism – ensuring only the best research gets filtered through for publication. High quality peer-review is a cornerstone of better scientific foundations. At the JBBA, we are proud to have some of the world’s most eminent experts in the field of Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies. Their critical appraisal helps evaluate the authenticity, accuracy, validity and reliability of the research, thereby playing a crucial role in advancing better science. Congratulations to the worthy winners of Peer Review Awards.”

Dr Mureed Hussain, Secretary of the BBA, said:

“Approx. 68.5 million hours are spent each year on peer reviews, globally – thats 33,000 FTEs of highly skilled volunteer contribution from senior scientists. A study showed that 98% of researchers regard peer-review as “extremely important” or “important”. Peer Reviewers are the most precious and prestigious volunteers on the planet; Science wouldn’t work without them.”

Recipients of 2020 Outstanding Reviewer Awards:

Dr Larissa Lee, University of Utah

Professor Sinclair Davidson, RMIT University

Dr Stylianos Kampakis, University College London

Dr Sean Manion, Uniformed Services University

Dr Anish Mohammed, SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences


(Recipients of 2019 Global Peer Review Awards were: Jeff Daniels, Adam Hayes, Kevin Curran and Marc Pilkington)

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