BBA Fellowship

BBA Fellow Sinclair Davidson FBBA



Prof Kristi Yuthas, New BBA Fellow (2023)

Professor Kristi Yuthas FBBA receiving her BBA Fellowship at ISC2023

An award of the Fellowship is recognition of exceptional achievement and contribution to Blockchain and allied disciplines. The Fellowship demonstrates a commitment to excellence, leadership, advancing standards and best practice, evidenced by a track record of outstanding contribution to the subject of Blockchain or other Distributed Ledger Technologies.

Providing distinction for your achievements, Fellowship is evidenced by the letters ‘FBBA’ after your name. The title of the FBBA recognises your substantial expertise, knowledge and skills in Blockchain and your ongoing commitment. Fellows are expected to be an advocate of the technology and the profession, be an ambassador of the British Blockchain Association, and promote the Organisation’s values and mission.


As a Fellow, you will have opportunities to support the discipline of blockchain through engagement activities on behalf of the BBA. These may include representation on matters within their area of specialism, contributing to thought leadership debates in the media or at conferences and other events or mentoring the future generation of blockchain professionals. The FBBA accolade marks your outstanding achievement and recognises your ongoing contribution to Blockchain.

Eligibility Criteria

Exceptional and substantial expertise, knowledge and skills in the field of Blockchain, DLT or Cryptoassets

Proven track record of excellence, leadership, advancing standards and best practice, evidenced by an outstanding contribution to the society

Set up and established service, product or an institution that has made an exceptional contribution in the field of Blockchain, DLT or Cryptoassets

A minimum of 3 years of ongoing professional experience in the field of Blockchain

A minimum of 1 year of BBA corporate membership, or being an institutional lead at one of BBA’s partner organisations or associated initiatives (BAF, CEBB, JBBA, UK NBR)

Accumulated at least 50 hours of Blockchain-related CPD (continuing Professional Development) credits over the course of the previous year (documentation required)

Demonstrated exceptional local or international contribution/ service to blockchain

Published scientific research/ or Blockchain related academic work in a peer-reviewed journal or Editor/ Reviewer of a scholarly blockchain journal

A recognised and respected thought leader or influencer in the field of Blockchain, DLT or Cryptoassets

An internationally renowned educator, author, scholar or mentor in the domain of blockchain or other distributed ledger technologies

Evidence of a sustained and effective record of impact at a strategic level with supporting blockchain research (Evidence-Based Blockchain), as part of a broader commitment to blockchain scholarly community

Fellowship Privileges

The use of ‘FBBA’ post-nominal

Exclusive opportunity to officially represent the BBA by playing an active role in the direction and governance of the Association

Privilege to take on a leadership role within the BBA and the profession as a whole

Opportunity to represent the BBA as a Keynote Speaker at International blockchain conferences

Significant discounts on BBA conferences and events

Opportunity to join the Editorial Board of the JBBA

A complimentary copy of the JBBA posted to your mailing address

Each candidate is considered on his or her own merits and can be proposed from any sector of the scientific community.

The new Fellow appointments are made twice a year (September and March). At least one of the supporters must be a current Fellow of the BBA.

Next Round of Fellowship Applications has commenced.

Application submission Deadline is 15 January 2025.

We would like to hear about individuals who, in your judgement, are worthy of becoming Fellows of the BBA. If you wish to nominate an individual who meets the eligibility criteria as outlined above, please send your nominations FAO ‘Fellowship Committee’ of the BBA, at: You must include a letter of support (no more than 500 words) outlining how the nominee fulfils the essential eligibility criteria and also include any other supporting information. At least one of the supporters must be a current Fellow of the BBA. (see below the list of current BBA Fellows). Fellowship Committee will evaluate all applications and successful applicants will be notified via email w/c 1st week of February 2025. 

We anticipate a huge number of applications so it may not be possible to notify the unsuccessful applicants individually. We advise that if you have not heard from us by 25 January 2025, you should assume that your application was unsuccessful in this round of applications. 

Current Fellows

Professor Dr Naseem Naqvi FBBA MBE
Professor Dr Claudio Tessone FBBA
Natalie Elphicke OBE FBBA
Professor Dr Sinclair Davidson FBBA
Professor Dr Philipp Sandner FBBA (Honorary, posthumous)
Professor Dr Rob Campbell FBBA 
Professor Dr Kristi Yuthas FBBA
Professor Dr Cathy Mulligan FBBA
Rt. Hon. Lord Holmes of Richmond MBE FBBA 
Professor Dr Marc Pilkington FBBA
Professor Dr Benjamin M. Cole FBBA
Rt. Hon. Martin Docherty-Hughes MP FBBA
Professor Dr William J Buchanan FBBA
Professor Dr Mary Cecilia Lacity FBBA
Dr Mureed Hussain FBBA
Professor Dr Kevin Curran FBBA
Dr Marcella Atzori FBBA
Professor Dr David LEE Chuen FBBA
Professor  DrJohn Domingue FBBA
Professor Dr R K Shyamasundar FBBA
Professor Dr Jason Potts FBBA
Mr David E Rutter FBBA
Professor Dr Jim K Liew FBBA
Dr Sean Manion FBBA
Mr John Wolpert FBBA
Professor Dr Erik Vermeulen FBBA

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